Document Scanning Consulting

Having provided document conversion services for more than twenty years (since 1988), let SoftFile implement your departmental document imaging and records management program.
SoftFile can configure your in-house document imaging system in order to help meet your legislative compliance problems and avoid costly mistakes. Unlike a photocopy-machine sales representative, SoftFile actually scans millions of documents per year. SoftFile knows how to get the images scanned.
When an organization purchases and imaging system, 80% of the purchase cost is for software and equipment while the remaining 20% will be for software and hardware maintenance. On the first day you actually use the new system, 20% of your ongoing cost will be for maintenance while the remaining 80% will be your actual labor. That 80%, in dollars - depends upon how well your organization can leverage existing technologies. Call SoftFile to discuss the use of better document scanning technology;
- OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
- Zonal OCR
- OMR (Optical Mark Recognition)
- Zonal OMR
- Barcode Separation Sheets
- Advanced Data Entry including SoftFile's customized KFISM (key-from-image) with built in dual key data entry modules.
- More
Having provided document conversion services for more than twenty years, SoftFile has hundreds of no-license required programs, APIs and developer tool kits in order to mitigate manual labor from your in-house processes.
Advice For Your Document Management Project
Is your organization planning to implement a records management program including paper to electronic document scanning?
SoftFile has been providing document conversion services since 1988. Through this experience, we know what types of records management systems work and which are destined to fail. Don't re-invent the wheel, let us share this knowledge with you.
SoftFile's on-site Records Management Consulting services include:
- Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) Selection
- Appropriate document scanning module selection (to minimize your labor)
- Proper hardware selection (e.g. document scanners) to get the job done
- Realistic expectations
- System setup and implementation
- On-going technical support
Free Government Consultation
As the manager of a government program, have you been asked to submit ideas in order to help reduce operating costs?
SoftFile is experienced at using innovative document technology to help government agencies with their business processes. SoftFile can identify the bottlenecks that cost your department time and money. We can provide a free proposal for you to submit to your management team.
In a hiring freeze? Often, our solutions enable organizations to free up valuable staff and reallocate these human resources to other mission critical business functions.
As SoftFile has helped numerous government agencies improve their business workflow process, we are bound to identify a similar solution for your department.
How much time does you or your organization waste each week assembling and compiling information? It is estimated* that average organization:
- Spends $20 to file a document
- Loses one out of twenty documents
- Spends $120 in labor searching for a lost document
- Spends 25 hours recreating lost documents
*Study provided by PricewaterhouseCoopers
Document Imaging Classes
Looking for local or on-site document imaging classes and seminars? Register your email address today for notification of our upcoming 2012 sessions.
Attendance in SoftFile classes gives you free access to SoftFile's online Tool Kits and APIs.
Attendance in SoftFile classes gives you free access to SoftFile's consultants and programmers for personalized solutions.